Welcome! A big Border Terrier "WOOF" to you! This blog is dedicated to ALL terrier enthusiasts and ALL dog lovers, particularly those of us lucky enough to be owned by one or more Border Terriers! Sometimes funny, sometimes irreverent, hopefully informative but always interesting and always with our dogs at heart. Come on and enter the den!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Where Have I Been?

Sorry if anyone has been wondering what has happened to my posting. We were blessed with 3 beautiful girl Border Terrier puppies in late July. My youngest girl "Ellie" presented these to us in a textbook easy whelping.
They are having a ball! Growing like weeds and now are in a big 6ft x 9ft play area where they can run and romp. They have a small teeter-totter to play on and a short section of PVC tunnel to investigate so they are budding Earthdogs and maybe we have an agility dog or two in there! They're eating mush and nursing some still from mom and have been learning to pee and poop on the papers in the back of their area. Later this week we will go outside! First time stepping on grass should be a treat to watch!
Their puppyhood here goes by so quickly. Pretty soon they will go off to their new homes (all are spoken for!) and we will be wondering what happened! In the meantime, we get to enjoy them and watch them learn and grow daily! I have to admit we have had it pretty easy this litter. Breeding animals is fraught with risks and disappointment sometimes, but litters like this one make up for all that and more!