Welcome! A big Border Terrier "WOOF" to you! This blog is dedicated to ALL terrier enthusiasts and ALL dog lovers, particularly those of us lucky enough to be owned by one or more Border Terriers! Sometimes funny, sometimes irreverent, hopefully informative but always interesting and always with our dogs at heart. Come on and enter the den!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Great Triangle

I was chatting the other day with a very nice couple about Border Terriers. They are hoping to adopt one soon having owned a BT previously. They were kind enough to complete a puppy application in much detail. And I realized as we talked that I knew a lot more about them than they did about me. I had wanted to meet them so I could evaluate them as a potential home for a puppy, but hopefully they were likely evaluating me as a breeder just as carefully.
I realized that I knew the breeders of my own dogs only superficially in most cases. We meet the breeder maybe over the telephone or via email, and maybe we are lucky enough to be referred to them. We have a few conversations, exchange a few pictures, answer their questionairres and maybe meet them for a few hours when we pick up the puppy, or before, if we live close by. But in both directions, it's a pretty basic acquaintance.
Do we need to know more? Not really. But we do share a dog's life that hopefully will be long and bring much joy to both sides. Our puppy homes shepard that little pup through all his life and we are the people they will turn to if they have questions or problems. They depend on our expertise in selecting breeding stock, on providing the basic socializing for the puppy, and for ensuring the initial health and disease prevention for the dog.
Some of us breeders believe that these puppy homes are part of an extended family of our dogs and ourselves. We love to hear how the dogs are doing, what they are learning and acheiving, and always enjoy seeing pictures, if not the actual dog itself. Some of us like to keep in touch while other breeders seem too pre-occupied and busy with the rest of their lives.
As a potential puppy home you need to be comfortable with how your dog's breeder treats the breeder-owner relationship. If you are a "sharer" of news and joy, but your breeder doesn't return emails or letters, etc.; perhaps you would have been happier with a more personable breeder. Much of the joy of living with a dog is sharing. Sharing activities with your dog brings much joy, and sharing this joy with others can be very important for some owners.
As breeders we need to realize that every potential puppy owner is as different as each of our puppies; and that some owners appreciate a stronger relationship than others. As a service to our potential puppy homes, we need to take a few minutes and get better acquainted with those who seek us out. We are all part of a great triangle- breeder, owner and dog. Through the dog we have been brought together, our paths have crossed and our lives somewhat intertwined. In some cases, we may discover a better friendship than we could have ever imagined. We might become partners, advisors, mentors, co-breeders, or more. It would be a shame to miss such an adventure.

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