Welcome! A big Border Terrier "WOOF" to you! This blog is dedicated to ALL terrier enthusiasts and ALL dog lovers, particularly those of us lucky enough to be owned by one or more Border Terriers! Sometimes funny, sometimes irreverent, hopefully informative but always interesting and always with our dogs at heart. Come on and enter the den!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Getting Connected with Your Dog

You've maybe seen it in the obedience ring or at an agility trial. Some dog handlers always seem connected to their dogs as if they have a telepathic link between them. Want to get more connected to YOUR dog?
I've been reading a book by Brenda Aloff titled "Get Connected with Your Dog". Brenda has several dog training and dog "understanding" books in print. I have also been trying some of Brenda's methods with my dogs. This book is NOT an easy read. Lots of text and actually a lot of pictures to augment the text, but A LOT of text!!! Comes with a nice DVD depicting an example training session. At almost 400 pages it's not an one-evening read. You will make margin notes and dog-ear pages and refer to it forever.
You need to read it once almost 100% and then RE-READ IT. Especially if you are going to try some of Brenda's techniques. But it's well worth the effort as THEY WORK!! I have made huge strides with Devlin's and Ellie's walking on a loose lead (well, almost loose!) even in the middle of a field of ground squirrels! Brenda's understanding of the psychology of dogs is fascinating and enjoyable reading. If you are like me, you'll be nodding your head in agreement as you read! Her emphasis on positive training and her love for, and respect of, her dogs comes through on every page. She employs many "games" (exercises) to help you get connected with your dog. She gives excellent guidelines for how to treat (reward) your dogs and when and how much to treat. There is a method to using rewards! She also explains how to use YOUR body language to communicate with your dog at all times in many different situations. Well worth the $49.90 cover price (less at discount book sellers).

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