Welcome! A big Border Terrier "WOOF" to you! This blog is dedicated to ALL terrier enthusiasts and ALL dog lovers, particularly those of us lucky enough to be owned by one or more Border Terriers! Sometimes funny, sometimes irreverent, hopefully informative but always interesting and always with our dogs at heart. Come on and enter the den!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Notes to a Potential Border Home

I wrote this tonight as part of a response to a person looking for a BT who was unsure of what a breeder was saying in their dialog.

I would invest some time and go see the puppies when available and meet the breeder. I think you may be more impressed than one email may suggest. Remember what I said about getting a leg up in the breeder's "puppy home list" by having a personal , face-to-face relationship with a breeder. You are basically an unknown quantity to her and are asking her to part with one of her "kids' kids". One of her extended family. Like many things in life, to get the one you want, you may need to sell yourself while evaluating her and her dogs. In some ways, picking a dog is a lot like picking a spouse - you just don't get to have as much of a courtship! Don't be afraid to go with your gut, but don't be afraid to not take one if none seem what you want. The worst mistake is taking a dog you dont really really want because you are afraid you won't find another one. There will always be another one. Keep hunting! What you want is as close to "THE ONE" as you can imagine at that time. None will be perfect. But you and I aren't either. These are great dogs and they will worm their way into your heart and make you a different person at the same time.
A dog is for life as we discussed on Sat. You are looking at 11 to 15 years with this dog. So do what's best for the dog FIRST and yourself next. You will make that choice many times in your life with your dog. Choosing a dog ain't easy but it's a heck of alot of fun! So go, enjoy the ride and have some fun while you learn!

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